
The Educators participating in the Erasmus Plus project are teachers, artists and museum education staff.

As the partners in the project is a mix of organisations with teaching and art museum backgrounds, so too are the educators. A feature of the project will be developing opportunities for schools to use cultural institutions such as art museums as places of learning.

The Permission to Wonder project understands educators to be from early years settings; primary school classroom teachers; secondary school (art) teachers; and art educators (freelance museum and gallery educators, including teaching artists).

The role of ‘Educator’ involves taking part in the first European-funded Visual Thinking Strategies training programme – Beginners, Advanced and Coaching Practicums with Yoon Kang O’Higgins, VTS Programme Director, USA. Educators implement VTS practice after each practicum (4-6 sessions) with a group of students in an assigned Associate school.  They are actively testing VTS as a new teaching practice tool in the classroom / gallery setting reporting into the  evaluation and research process, co-ordinated by VTS Nederland. Educators gain access & exchange with an expanding international network o educators committed to VTS as a cutting edge art education practice. 
